Thursday, 30 May 2013

US President Barack Obama With Lipstick Stain On His Collar

President Barack Obama had some explanations to do. 

The commander in chief arrived at the East Room for an event Tuesday night honoring Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders, one of whom had shown him some love.

There to speak of their contributions, he began his remarks by discussing a very red mark on his collar left by an attendee. Check out his explanations...

 "I want to thank everybody who’s here the incredible warmth of the reception. A sign of the warmth is the lipstick on my collar," Obama said to laughter.
"I have to say I think I know the culprit, where is Jessica Sanchez?" the president said to more hoots, referring to the "American Idol" runner-up who was in attendance. "Jessica, it wasn’t Jessica. It was her aunt. Where is she? Auntie, right there. Look at this."
The president pointed to the red lipstick stain on his light blue shirt.
"I do not want to be in trouble with Michelle," Obama said, "so I'm calling you out."
On a serious note, Obama, whose remarks were made in conjunction with Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, called on better immigration laws to honor their history of building and defending the country.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

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